Eureka Seven dives into a symphony of mechs and emotions where Renton’s sky-high dreams intertwine with Eureka’s mysterious past. As they ride the waves of Trapar particles, they uncover love, war, and secrets of the Scub Coral. Pure exhilaration!
Eureka Seven Trivia
What is the name of the mecha piloted by Renton Thurston in Eureka Seven? (Genius)
#1: Nirvash TypeZERO
#2: Lancelot
#3: Shin Getter Robo
#4: Valkyrie
What species is Eureka in Eureka Seven? (Advanced)
#1: Human
#2: Coralian
#3: Alien
#4: Zantradi
0/0 Correct
Eureka Seven Fun Facts
In Eureka Seven, the concept of lifting using Trapar waves is inspired by real-life aerial sports such as surfing, snowboarding, and skateboarding.
Satomi Arai, the voice actress for Gidget in Eureka Seven, also voiced Vanmokka Seiran in Mobile Suit Gundam 00.