Hack your way through San Francisco as Marcus Holloway and the DedSec crew, taking down corrupt corporations using technology as your weapon. Full of wit, action, and epic hacking skills. Get ready to turn the city into your playground.
Watch Dogs 2 Trivia
What is the name of the protagonist in Watch Dogs 2? (Genius)
#1: Aiden Pearce
#2: Marcus Holloway
#3: Connor Kenway
#4: Nathan Drake
In which city is Watch Dogs 2 set? (Easy)
#1: New York
#2: San Francisco
#3: Chicago
#4: Los Angeles
0/0 Correct
Watch Dogs 2 Fun Facts
In Watch Dogs 2, there's a side mission where you can sneak into Ubisoft's San Francisco office and leak a trailer for an unannounced video game, which was a real, yet-to-be-revealed game at the time the mission was available.
In Watch Dogs 2, the protagonist Marcus can control cars remotely, which leads to humorous situations, like making a car dance by moving it back and forth and side to side.
Watch Dogs 2 Polls
What's your favorite in-game activity in Watch Dogs 2?
Hacking the city infrastructure
Exploring San Francisco
Playing mini-games
Multiplayer modes
Show Results
Which hacking tactic in Watch Dogs 2 do you find most satisfying?
Remote-controlled vehicles hacking
Traffic control manipulation
Personal data hacking for NPC manipulation
Network breaches and mass communication disruption
Music: Synthwave from Space by Various ArtistsNeon Metropolis by LazerhawkOutrun by KavinskyDangerous Days by PerturbatorInfinite Summer by NZCA LinesNocturnal by The Midnight Premium