The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo


Unveil the Mystery: Dive into The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Fandom

Lisbeth Salander's hacker skills and Mikael Blomkvist's journalism expose corruption, unravel a family’s dark secrets, and bring justice to survivors, blending gritty noir with piercing social critique.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Trivia

In Stieg Larsson's "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," what is the birth name of the character Lisbeth Salander? (Expert)
#1: Erica Berger
#2: Harriet Vanger
#3: Camilla Salander
#4: Lisbeth Palmgren
In "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," who is the journalist that partners with Lisbeth Salander? (Medium)
#1: Mikael Blomkvist
#2: Henrik Vanger
#3: Dragan Armansky
#4: Holger Palmgren

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Fun Facts

The Swedish title of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is Män som hatar kvinnor, which translates to Men Who Hate Women.
The novel's author, Stieg Larsson, did not live to see its global success; he passed away in 2004 before the book was published.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Polls

Who is your favorite character from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Lisbeth Salander
Mikael Blomkvist
Henrik Vanger
Erika Berger
Show Results
What is your favorite book in the Millennium series?
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
The Girl Who Played with Fire
The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest
The Girl in the Spider's Web
Show Results