Arthur, from street rat to sword-swinging sovereign, battles the dark sorcery of Uncle Vortigern. With Excalibur's might and a team of rebels, he fights mystical monsters, faces haunting visions, and unravels epic legends to reclaim his destiny.
King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword Trivia
In "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword," who portrays the character of King Arthur? (Expert)
#1: Charlie Hunnam
#2: Jude Law
#3: Djimon Hounsou
#4: Aidan Gillen
In "King Arthur: Legend of the Sword," who directed the film? (Expert)
#1: Guy Ritchie
#2: Ridley Scott
#3: Peter Jackson
#4: Steven Spielberg
0/0 Correct
King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword Fun Facts
Charlie Hunnam, who played King Arthur, trained in martial arts and sword fighting for three months before filming to perform his own stunts.
David Beckham has a cameo in the movie as a disgruntled soldier.
King Arthur: Legend Of The Sword Polls
Who is your favorite character in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
King Arthur
The Mage
Show Results
Which is your favorite battle scene in King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
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