

Explore the Uncharted Lands of Greedfall - Unravel Mysteries, Forge Alliances, and Shape Your Destiny

Embark on an epic journey to a mysterious island filled with magic, politics, and fantastical creatures. Forge alliances, uncover secrets, and shape the fate of your nation in this enthralling colonial fantasy RPG.

Greedfall Trivia

What is the name of the ancient and mysterious continent where the main events of Greedfall unfold? (Expert)
#1: Albion
#2: Teer Fradee
#3: Azura
#4: Golarion

Greedfall Fun Facts

Greedfall allows players to complete the entire game without engaging in direct combat, emphasizing diplomacy, stealth, and alternative pathways.

Greedfall Polls

Which feature of Greedfall do you find most appealing?
The intricate storytelling
The freedom to make impactful decisions
The detailed character customization
The blend of magic and historical settings
Show Results