

Spartacus Saga: Unite and Conquer in the Realm of Rebels

Revolutionary warrior rising against oppression, Spartacus led an army of rebels in a legendary quest for freedom, inspiring hope and challenging the might of Rome.

Spartacus Trivia

What was Spartacus' profession before becoming a gladiator? (Genius)
#1: Soldier
#2: Shepherd
#3: Merchant
#4: Slave

Spartacus Fun Facts

Spartacus once trained at a gladiator school in Capua, essentially a ludus, and his escape with about 70 men in 73 B.C. initiated the Third Servile War.

Spartacus Polls

Who was the greatest enemy of Spartacus during the Third Servile War?
Marcus Licinius Crassus
Gaius Claudius Glaber
Pompey the Great
Lucius Cornelius Sulla
Show Results