Unleash the Darkness: Your Ultimate Castlevania: Lords of Shadow Fandom Destination
In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, join Gabriel Belmont on his epic journey to vanquish evil, uncover dark secrets, and face unimaginable foes in a breathtaking reimagining of the iconic vampire-hunting franchise.
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Trivia
What is the main weapon used by Gabriel Belmont in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow? (Easy)
#1: Sword of Light
#2: Combat Cross
#3: Flaming Whip
#4: Vampire Killer
In Castlevania: Lords of Shadow, which character is revealed to be the Lord of the Dead? (Advanced)
#1: Zobek
#2: Carmilla
#3: Cornell
#4: Pan
0/0 Correct
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Fun Facts
Patrick Stewart, renowned for his role as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek, provided the voice for Zobek in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.
The mounted combat elements in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow were initially more in-depth, with designs for different types of mounts, but this aspect was significantly reduced in the final game.
Castlevania: Lords Of Shadow Polls
Which is your favorite character in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow?
Gabriel Belmont
Show Results
Which location in Castlevania: Lords of Shadow was the most memorable?
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