The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy

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Journey Into Middle-Earth: Unite with the Fellowship

A humble hobbit inherits a treacherous ring, embarks on a perilous journey with an eclectic fellowship, battles dark forces, and ultimately tosses the ring into Mount Doom, shattering Sauron's power and bringing peace to Middle-earth. No one simply walks to Mordor!

The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy Trivia

In The Lord of the Rings trilogy, what is the name of the sword that Aragorn wields after it is reforged? (Expert)
#1: Narsil
#2: Glamdring
#3: Andúril
#4: Sting
Who is the Lord of the Eagles in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy? (Medium)
#1: Gwaihir
#2: Thorondor
#3: Ancalagon
#4: Smaug
0/0 Correct

The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy Fun Facts

Viggo Mortensen, who played Aragorn, purchased and carried the sword used in the films at all times, even off set, to train and familiarize himself with it.
Christopher Lee, who played Saruman, was the only cast member to have met J.R.R. Tolkien in real life.

The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy Polls

Who is your favorite character in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Frodo Baggins
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Which is your favorite location in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
The Shire
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