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Ignite the Hyper Agent Within: SSSS.GRIDMAN Central

A CGI love letter to tokusatsu, with amnesiac teens battling kaiju in a neon-lit reality warp. Gridman merges mecha flair with existential dread, climaxing in jaw-dropping twists that blur the line between hero and creator.


What is the name of the digital world in SSSS.GRIDMAN? (Medium)
#1: The Hyperverse
#2: The Cyber Realm
#3: The Computer World
#4: The Digital World
What is the alter-ego of Yuta Hibiki in SSSS.GRIDMAN? (Easy)
#2: Gridknight
#3: Anti
#4: Glitchman
0/0 Correct


SSSS.GRIDMAN is a homage to the 1993 tokusatsu series Denkou Choujin Gridman.
The title SSSS is a nod to both the original series it homages, Superhuman Samurai Syber-Squad, and to Special Signature to Save a Soul.


Who is your favorite character in SSSS.GRIDMAN?
Yuta Hibiki
Rikka Takarada
Akane Shinjou
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Which is your favorite form of Gridman?
Initial Form
Thunder Gridman
Full Powered Gridman
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