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Pokemon: Captivating creatures with elemental powers, enchanting evolutions, and boundless battles. Team up, capture, and train these marvelous monsters to become a legendary Pokemon master! Unleash your imagination and embark on epic adventures in this iconic world of Nintendo magic.

Pokemon Trivia

What is the only Pokemon from Generation 1 that shares its English name with a real-world location? (Advanced)
#1: Paris
#2: Madrid
#3: Parisect
#4: Lapras
What is the only Pokémon that has the ability to learn all HM (Hidden Machine) moves in the game? (Advanced)
#1: Mew
#2: Pikachu
#3: Eevee
#4: Charizard
0/0 Correct

Pokemon Images

Joyful scene with a variety of colorful Pokemon and their trainer celebrating together, featuring Pikachu and other popular creatures.

Pokemon Fun Facts

Pikachu was not the original mascot for Pokémon. Clefairy was intended to be the official mascot but was replaced because Pikachu was more appealing to both boys and girls.
Pikachu, the mascot of Pokemon, was not originally intended to be the franchise's main character. It was Clefairy who was supposed to have this role, but it was changed last minute due to Pikachu's popularity.

Pokemon Polls

Which is your favorite type of Pokémon?
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Which is your favorite Pokémon generation?
Generation I (Red/Blue/Yellow)
Generation II (Gold/Silver/Crystal)
Generation III (Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald)
Generation IV (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum)
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