Celebrate the Everyman: Join the Revolution of Joe Bauers Fans!
Joe Bauers, the ordinary man turned accidental time traveler, wakes to a future where stupidity reigns. He battles absurdity, navigating a world where common sense is an alien concept, becoming an unlikely hero in a society gone hilariously wrong.
Joe Bauers (Idiocracy) Trivia
Who is the main character in the film "Idiocracy"? (Easy)
#1: Joe Bauers
#2: Jimmy O'Connell
#3: Peter Gibbons
#4: Tom Ripley
What profession did Joe Bauers hold before being frozen in the future in "Idiocracy"? (Genius)
#1: Office Worker
#2: Scientist
#3: Military Personnel
#4: Librarian
0/0 Correct
Joe Bauers (Idiocracy) Fun Facts
Joe Bauers, portrayed by Luke Wilson in Idiocracy, is an average man who is intentionally chosen for an experiment to be frozen for 500 years, but he ends up awakening in a dystopian future where society has become incredibly unintelligent.
Joe Bauers is referred to as the smartest man in the world in the year 2505, despite being an average citizen in the 2000s.
Joe Bauers (Idiocracy) Polls
What is your favorite aspect of Idiocracy?
The satire of society
The character development
The humorous depiction of the future
The social commentary
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What is the most relevant theme of Idiocracy today?
Overconsumption and Consumerism
The Dangers of Anti-Intellectualism
The Importance of Critical Thinking
The Effects of Environmental Neglect
Show Results
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