Imagine a dystopian universe where a band of rebels, on a sentient spaceship called the Liberator, defies a totalitarian regime with wit, tech, and moral ambiguity, blending space opera with gritty resistance drama.
Blake's 7 Trivia
In "Blake's 7", what is the name of the alien race that Vila Restal encounters on the planet Keezarn in the episode "City at the Edge of the World"? (Hard)
#1: The Liberator
#2: The Tharn
#3: The Decimas
#4: The System
In "Blake's 7," what is the name of the spaceship that the main characters use? (Easy)
#1: Scorpio
#2: Serenity
#3: Liberator
#4: Enterprise
0/0 Correct
Blake's 7 Fun Facts
Blake's 7 had a budget so tight that the Liberator's teleport bracelets were actually modified plastic washing-up liquid bottles.
The show's creator, Terry Nation, also created the Daleks for Doctor Who.
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