Gallifreyan traveler with a heart(s) of gold zips through time in a blue box, battling Daleks and Cybermen while picking up companions and moral dilemmas, forever regenerating and reinventing, yet always remaining quintessentially the Doctor.
Doctor Who Trivia
What is the name of the Doctor's home planet? (Medium)
#1: Skaro
#2: Mondas
#3: Gallifrey
#4: Trenzalore
What is the Doctor's real name? (Hard)
#1: Theta Sigma
#2: Kaan Vanar
#3: Magnus Greel
#4: Radagast
0/0 Correct
Doctor Who Images
Doctor Who Fun Facts
The TARDIS's iconic wheezing, groaning sound was created by rubbing a key along the strings of an old piano.
The Daleks were originally inspired by the design of a pepper shaker.
Music: The War of the Worlds by Jeff WayneElectric Light Orchestra – Out of the Blue by Electric Light OrchestraThe Dark Side of the Moon by Pink FloydDiscovery by Daft PunkZiggy Stardust by David BowieJar of Flies by Alice In ChainsSpirit of Eden by Talk TalkSelected Ambient Works 85-92 by Aphex TwinOdessey and Oracle by The ZombiesIn the Court of the Crimson King by King Crimson Premium