Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo - Unleashing the Ultimate Fan Experience!
In a neon-soaked Tokyo, the Teen Titans untangle a web of secrets, uncovering the enigmatic Brushogun’s plot. Balancing superhero duties with blossoming romance, they face high-stakes battles and cultural adventures, ultimately testing their unity in the bustling cityscape.
Teen Titans: Trouble In Tokyo Trivia
What was the main villain's name in Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo? (Hard)
#1: Brushogun
#2: Slade
#3: Trident
#4: Red X
In Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo, which character gets turned into a giant lizard? (Hard)
#1: Beast Boy
#2: Raven
#3: Cyborg
#4: Starfire
0/0 Correct
Teen Titans: Trouble In Tokyo Fun Facts
Voice actress Hynden Walch, who voices Starfire, voices both Starfire and a major antagonist, Brushogun's assistant Saico-Tek.
The character of Brushogun was created specifically for Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo and does not appear in the original comic books.
Teen Titans: Trouble In Tokyo Polls
Who is your favorite Teen Titans character in Trouble in Tokyo?
Beast Boy
Show Results
Which Fight Scene in Trouble in Tokyo Do You Like Most?