At Hyakkaou Academy, students' status hinges on high-stakes gambling. Enter Yumeko Jabami, an enigmatic prodigy who relishes the gamble itself. Her arrival shatters the school's hierarchy, challenging manipulative elites and igniting chaos with every risqué bet.
Kakegurui Trivia
What is the main focus of the school in "Kakegurui"? (Genius)
#1: Gambling
#2: Sports
#3: Academics
#4: Combat
Who is the main protagonist in "Kakegurui"? (Medium)
#1: Mary Saotome
#2: Sayaka Igarashi
#3: Yumeko Jabami
#4: Runa Yomozuki
0/0 Correct
Kakegurui Fun Facts
The characters in Kakegurui are named after real-life gambling addicts.
Kakegurui's creator, Homura Kawamoto, was inspired by real casino experiences.
Music: Femme Fatale by The Velvet UndergroundLounge Act by NirvanaSnake Eater by Cynthia HarrellSweet Dreams (Are Made of This) by EurythmicsHigh Roller by The Crystal MethodI Don't Wanna Be An Asshole Anymore by The MenzingersHeads Will Roll by Yeah Yeah YeahsAddicted to a Memory by ZeddLosing My Mind by Falling In ReverseElephant by Tame Impala