David Rice hops across continents like he's playing hopscotch, using his powers to right personal wrongs and navigate a chess game of cat-and-mouse with a determined Paladin, all while discovering the secrets behind his extraordinary gift.
Jumper Trivia
Who directed the 2008 sci-fi film "Jumper"? (Advanced)
#1: James Cameron
#2: Doug Liman
#3: Ridley Scott
#4: Steven Spielberg
What ability did the main character in the 2008 film "Jumper" possess? (Advanced)
#1: Invisibility
#2: Time Travel
#3: Teleportation
#4: Mind Reading
0/0 Correct
Jumper Fun Facts
Jumper follows protagonist David Rice who discovers he can teleport anywhere in the world.
David Rice discovers his ability to teleport after a near-death experience.
Jumper Polls
Who is your favorite character in Jumper?
David Rice
Griffin O'Conner
Millie Harris
Roland Cox
Show Results
Which city had the best depiction of teleportation in Jumper?
Music: St. Elswhere by Gnarls BarkleyAmerican Idiot by Green DaySongs for the Deaf by Queens of the Stone AgeThe Black Parade by My Chemical RomanceInfinity on High by Fall Out BoyHot Fuss by The Killers200 Km/h in the Wrong Lane by t.A.T.u.Silent Alarm by Bloc PartyRoom on Fire by The StrokesGive Up by The Postal Service Premium