Two sides of one man, battling societal numbness, create an underground chaos that spirals into Project Mayhem. Identity crisis, insomnia, and soap become symbols of rebellion.
Fight Club Trivia
Who is the author of the novel "Fight Club"? (Easy)
#1: George Orwell
#2: Chuck Palahniuk
#3: J.K. Rowling
#4: Stephen King
What year was the film "Fight Club" released? (Easy)
#1: 1997
#2: 1999
#3: 2001
#4: 2003
0/0 Correct
Fight Club Images
Fight Club Fun Facts
Brad Pitt and Edward Norton both took soap-making classes to prepare for their roles in Fight Club.
In Fight Club, director David Fincher inserted single-frame images of Tyler Durden (played by Brad Pitt) into scenes before the character is formally introduced.
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