End Of Watch

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End of Watch Enthusiasts: Brother's Bond Beyond Duty

End of Watch melds buddy-cop camaraderie with brutal LA street realism, capturing Jake Gyllenhaal's and Michael Peña’s dynamic chemistry through gritty handheld footage. It's a visceral blend of humor, heartbreak, and harrowing action that leaves a lasting punch.

End Of Watch Trivia

Who directed the 2012 film "End of Watch"? (Easy)
#1: Steven Spielberg
#2: David Ayer
#3: Christopher Nolan
#4: Quentin Tarantino
What profession do the main characters in "End of Watch" have? (Easy)
#1: Firefighters
#2: Doctors
#3: Police officers
#4: Teachers
0/0 Correct

End Of Watch Fun Facts

The film End of Watch was shot in a found-footage style to give it a more realistic and immersive feel.
Michael Peña and Jake Gyllenhaal actually underwent five months of training with real Los Angeles police officers to prepare for their roles.

End Of Watch Polls

Who is your favorite character from "End of Watch"?
Officer Brian Taylor
Officer Mike Zavala
Gabby Zavala
Janet Taylor
Show Results
What's your favorite moment from "End of Watch"?
The final chase
The parking garage shootout
The heartfelt conversation
The wedding scene
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