Comic Girls is a delightful slice-of-life anime where aspiring manga artists, each with unique quirks and artistic aims, navigate the hilarities and heartbreaks of dorm life, finding friendship and creative inspiration amidst doodles and deadlines.
Comic Girls Trivia
Who is the main character of the manga "Comic Girls"? (Expert)
#1: Kaoruko Moeta
#2: Tsubasa Katsuki
#3: Koyume Koizuka
#4: Ruki Irokawa
What is the name of the dormitory where the girls live in the series "Comic Girls"? (Hard)
#1: Asaka Dorm
#2: Horowa Dorm
#3: Tsubasa Dorm
#4: Bunhousha Dorm
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Comic Girls Fun Facts
The main characters of Comic Girls each specialize in a different genre of manga, reflecting their unique personalities and artistic styles.