Boldly Joining the Adventure: Celebrating the Legacy of Captain James T. Kirk
Commander of the starship Enterprise, Kirk is a bold explorer, risk-taker, and master diplomat, often defying protocol to pursue justice and the greater good, with charm, wit, and a knack for outsmarting adversaries. His legacy is legendary.
Captain James T. Kirk Trivia
What is the name of Captain James T. Kirk's home planet? (Advanced)
#1: Earth
#2: Vulcan
#3: Qo'noS
#4: Delta IV
What was Captain James T. Kirk's original rank when he began serving on the USS Enterprise? (Genius)
#1: Lieutenant
#2: Commander
#3: Captain
#4: Ensign
0/0 Correct
Captain James T. Kirk Fun Facts
Captain James T. Kirk's original character was intended to be killed off in Star Trek: The Original Series but became so popular that he was kept alive and became the iconic leading character of the franchise.
William Shatner, who played Captain James T. Kirk, performed his own stunts, including a famous scene where he fights the Gorn in Arena, which has since become a cult classic moment in Star Trek history.
Captain James T. Kirk Polls
Who is your favorite Star Trek captain?
James T. Kirk
Jean-Luc Picard
Benjamin Sisko
Kathryn Janeway
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What is your favorite Captain Kirk moment?
The Kobayashi Maru
"Beam me up, Scotty"
The Wrath of Khan finale
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