Journey Beyond the Stars: Your Ultimate 2001: A Space Odyssey Fandom Destination
A journey through time and space unveils the mystery of a monolith, leading to an encounter with advanced AI HAL 9000 and a transformation of humanity.
2001: A Space Odyssey Trivia
What kind of artificial intelligence is HAL 9000 in "2001: A Space Odyssey"? (Easy)
#1: A spaceship
#2: A computer system
#3: A human clone
#4: A robot
Who directed the film "2001: A Space Odyssey"? (Easy)
#1: Steven Spielberg
#2: Stanley Kubrick
#3: Ridley Scott
#4: James Cameron
0/0 Correct
2001: A Space Odyssey Fun Facts
The iconic monolith has the precise dimensions in the ratio of 1:4:9, which are the squares of the first three integers.
The breathing sounds of Dave Bowman in his spacesuit were recorded by having actor Keir Dullea breathe through an oxygen mask attached to a scuba tank.
2001: A Space Odyssey Polls
What is the most fascinating aspect of 2001: A Space Odyssey?
The mysterious monoliths
HAL 9000's evolution and eventual malfunction
The depiction of space travel and technology
The film's ambiguous ending
Show Results
Which character from 2001: A Space Odyssey is your favorite?
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