Unleash Your Azerothian Passion: Join the Legion of Fans!
In Legion, heroes unite against the Burning Legion's return, battling on the Broken Isles. They harness the power of artifacts, embrace new class orders, and confront the dark titans, all while uncovering the fate of the ill-fated night elves.
World Of Warcraft: Legion Trivia
What is the name of the artifact weapon exclusive to Demon Hunters in World of Warcraft: Legion? (Advanced)
#1: The Ashbringer
#2: The Warglaives of Azzinoth
#3: The Skull of the Man'ari
#4: The Fist of Ra-den
What is the primary setting for the expansion World of Warcraft: Legion? (Expert)
#1: Ashenvale
#2: Broken Isles
#3: Northrend
#4: Draenor
0/0 Correct
World Of Warcraft: Legion Fun Facts
World of Warcraft: Legion introduced the Demon Hunter class, which has the unique ability to double-jump and glide, making it the first class in the game with these mobility features.
World of Warcraft: Legion introduced the Artifact weapon system, allowing players to wield powerful, customizable weapons that level up alongside them and have unique abilities and traits.
World Of Warcraft: Legion Polls
What was your favorite feature of World of Warcraft: Legion?
Artifact Weapons
Class Halls
The Broken Isles
Demon Hunters
Show Results
Which class specialization did you enjoy playing the most in World of Warcraft: Legion?
Havoc Demon Hunter
Frost Mage
Protection Paladin
Beast Mastery Hunter
Show Results
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