Embark on Epic Adventures: Dive Deep into the Tales of Series Fandom!
Tales of Series weaves vibrant worlds, rich narratives, and dynamic combat, blending camaraderie with emotional arcs. Each title uniquely explores themes of friendship, sacrifice, and the fight against destiny, inviting players on unforgettable journeys.
Tales Of Series Trivia
What is the name of the main protagonist in "Tales of Symphonia"? (Hard)
#1: Lloyd Irving
#2: Zelos Wilder
#3: Kratos Aurion
#4: Genis Sage
What is the name of the organization that seeks to revive the Great Seed in "Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World"? (Advanced)
#1: Cruxis
#2: Vanguard
#3: Renegades
#4: The Desians
0/0 Correct
Tales Of Series Fun Facts
The Tales of series is known for its unique battle system, featuring a real-time combat style called the Linear Motion Battle System, which allows players to move freely during fights, a feature that has become a hallmark of the franchise.
The Tales of series has a recurring character named Yuri Lowenthal, who is an actor and voice director; he has voiced multiple characters across various titles, including the iconic protagonist Yuri Lowell in Tales of Vesperia.
Tales Of Series Polls
What is your favorite game in the Tales of Series?
Tales of Symphonia
Tales of Vesperia
Tales of Berseria
Tales of Arise
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What is your favorite character archetype in the Tales of Series?
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