Unleash Your Inner Badass: Join the Paul Power of Duke Nukem Forever!
Paul, the wise-cracking sidekick, brings humor and heart to Duke's outrageous adventure. He’s the ultimate wingman, combining loyalty with savvy, keeping things light while the chaos reigns, proving that even heroics need a buddy with charm.
Paul (Duke Nukem Forever) Trivia
Who is Paul in Duke Nukem Forever? (Advanced)
#1: A bartender at the Duke Burger
#2: Duke's sidekick
#3: An alien overlord
#4: A scientist assisting Duke
What role does Paul have in Duke Nukem Forever? (Expert)
#1: He is Duke's sidekick
#2: He is the antagonist
#3: He is Duke's brother
#4: He is a journalist
0/0 Correct
Paul (Duke Nukem Forever) Fun Facts
Paul is voiced by actor Jon St. John, who also voiced Duke Nukem in various games since the 1990s.
Paul is a parody of the Duke Nukem character, originally designed to poke fun at the over-the-top masculinity and bravado typically associated with action hero tropes.
Paul (Duke Nukem Forever) Polls
What is your favorite aspect of Duke Nukem Forever?
Humor and One-Liners
Gameplay Mechanics
Graphics and Design
Storyline and Characters
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What is your favorite weapon in Duke Nukem Forever?
Freeze Ray
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