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Unraveling the Legacy of Ozymandias: A Journey Through Time and Power

In a barren desert, the shattered remnants of a once-great statue tell tales of hubris. Ozymandias's proud inscriptions mock the inevitable decay, a reminder that power is fleeting, and nature reclaims all. Time erodes all legacies.

Ozymandias Trivia

What does the inscription on Ozymandias' pedestal say? (Easy)
#1: "I am the king of kings"
#2: "Look on my works, ye Mighty"
#3: "All who see this, remember me"
#4: "Rise and conquer"
What is the main theme of the poem "Ozymandias" by Percy Bysshe Shelley? (Advanced)
#1: The Power of Nature
#2: The Inescapability of Time
#3: The Glory of Kings
#4: The Importance of Art
0/0 Correct

Ozymandias Fun Facts

Ozymandias was inspired by a broken statue of Ramses II located in the British Museum, which depicts the tales of a once-great king now reduced to ruins.
The poem Ozymandias by Percy Bysshe Shelley was originally published in 1818, and it was inspired by a sonnet challenge from fellow poet Horace Smith.

Ozymandias Polls

What theme resonates most in Ozymandias?
The Transience of Power
The Hubris of Humanity
The Nature of Art and Legacy
The Futility of Ambition
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What aspect of Ozymandias intrigues you the most?
The symbolism of the statue
The irony of power
The historical context
The message about legacy
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