Join the Wild Ride: Celebrate the Hilarity of National Lampoon's Vacation!
A family's quest for a perfect road trip to Walley World spirals into comedic chaos, with mishaps, quirky encounters, and a relentless pursuit of happiness while navigating the absurdity of American vacation culture.
National Lampoon's Vacation Trivia
What is the name of the fictional theme park the Griswold family is trying to reach in National Lampoon's Vacation? (Genius)
#1: Walley World
#2: Funland
#3: Adventure Park
#4: Magic Kingdom
What does Clark Griswold want to get for his family during their road trip in National Lampoon's Vacation? (Medium)
#1: A new car
#2: A dog
#3: An RV
#4: A Christmas tree
0/0 Correct
National Lampoon's Vacation Fun Facts
The original working title of National Lampoon's Vacation was Vacation 58, referencing the year of the Griswold family's disastrous road trip.
The iconic car used in the film, a blue 1981 Ford Country Squire station wagon, was nicknamed the Family Truckster and was intentionally designed to look unappealing with an exaggerated paint job.
National Lampoon's Vacation Polls
What is your favorite National Lampoon's Vacation movie?
Vacation (1983)
European Vacation (1985)
Christmas Vacation (1989)
Vegas Vacation (1997)
Show Results
What is your favorite memorable quote from National Lampoon's Vacation?
"We're not talking about the Grand Canyon"
"I think you're gonna be a great dad"
"I'm gonna lose my mind!"
"Hey, Griswold, where you gonna put a tree that big?"
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