Brick by Brick, Adventure Awaits: Dive into the World of LEGO City: Undercover
LEGO City: Undercover - Chase McCain is back in town, ready to take down the baddies with wit, humor, and lots of building blocks. It's a bricktastic adventure full of crime-fighting fun and endless possibilities!
LEGO City: Undercover Trivia
What is the name of the protagonist in LEGO City: Undercover? (Hard)
#1: Chase McCain
#2: Duke Huckleberry
#3: Rex Fury
#4: Joey Brickman
In "LEGO City: Undercover," which fictional character does the protagonist, Chase McCain, often disguise himself as? (Expert)
#1: Rex Fury
#2: Natalia Kowalski
#3: Duke Huckleberry
#4: Forrest Blackwell
0/0 Correct
LEGO City: Undercover Fun Facts
In LEGO City: Undercover, the protagonist, Chase McCain, can wear a variety of disguises, including one of Rex Fury, the game's antagonist, which players can unlock and use to access restricted areas and perform super-strength feats.
In LEGO City: Undercover, players can find and ride a variety of animals, including pigs and chickens, and use them to complete certain challenges.
LEGO City: Undercover Polls
What do you think is the best feature of LEGO City: Undercover?
The open-world exploration
The witty humor
The variety of disguises and abilities
The collectibles and unlockables
Show Results
Which platform do you prefer for playing LEGO City: Undercover?
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