Manny the mammoth, Sid the sloth, and Diego the saber-toothed cat band together on a hilarious, heartwarming adventure, protecting a human baby and outwitting predators, all while Scrat the squirrel-chasing his elusive acorn triggers catastrophes!
Ice Age Trivia
Which prehistoric mammal is primarily featured in the Ice Age movie franchise? (Genius)
#1: Woolly Mammoth
#2: Saber-toothed Cat
#3: Giant Sloth
#4: Cave Bear
What is the name of the saber-toothed squirrel character in the Ice Age movie franchise? (Easy)
#1: Sid
#2: Manny
#3: Scrat
#4: Diego
0/0 Correct
Ice Age Fun Facts
Mammoths, which thrived during the Ice Age, had tusks that could grow up to 15 feet long.
Woolly mammoths had a layer of fat up to 4 inches thick to insulate against cold temperatures.
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