Tend to whimsical farms, befriend quirky villagers, and uncover hidden wonders—each sunrise brings new adventures, from moonlit fishing to heartwarming festivals. Dive into a delightful cycle of growth, love, and discovery in Harvest Moon's enchanting world!
Harvest Moon Trivia
In the game "Harvest Moon: Back to Nature," which of the following is NOT a marriage candidate? (Hard)
#1: Ann
#2: Karen
#3: Jeff
#4: Popuri
What is the primary objective in the game "Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life"? (Medium)
#1: Managing a theme park
#2: Running a bakery
#3: Operating a farming business
#4: Becoming a knight
0/0 Correct
Harvest Moon Fun Facts
In the Harvest Moon series, characters age and can have children, but the children never grow up beyond toddlerhood.
In the original Harvest Moon game for the SNES, there is a hidden random event where a UFO can be seen flying across the sky at night.
Music: Helplessness Blues by Fleet FoxesBon Iver, Bon Iver by Bon IverSoutheastern by Jason IsbellThe Wild Hunt by The Tallest Man on EarthI and Love and You by The Avett BrothersThe Harrow and the Harvest by Gillian WelchLost in the Dream by The War on DrugsCarrie & Lowell by Sufjan StevensWilder Mind by Mumford & SonsAll the Little Lights by Passenger Premium