Unleash the Light: Dive into the Stargirl Universe
High schooler Courtney Whitmore discovers the Cosmic Staff, reignites the Justice Society of America, and battles legacy villains in a thrilling blend of teen drama, heroism, and epic showdowns with a sparkling, hopeful spirit.
DC's Stargirl Trivia
What year did the character Stargirl first debut in DC Comics? (Expert)
#1: 1995
#2: 1998
#3: 1999
#4: 2000
Who created the DC Comics character Stargirl? (Advanced)
#1: Geoff Johns
#2: Jim Lee
#3: Grant Morrison
#4: Jerry Siegel
0/0 Correct
DC's Stargirl Fun Facts
Stargirl's Cosmic Staff has a personality of its own and can act independently to protect her.
Stargirl is a legacy character inspired by creator Geoff Johns' late sister, Courtney.
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